The Tiber

The beating heart of Rome and not only...

The source of the River Tiber is in Romagna. It then flows through Tuscany and Umbria before passing through the towns and rural areas of Lazio and finally reaching Rome.

Along a placid and sinuous course, it flows under monumental bridges and beside long rows of plane trees that guard it from above, until it ends its journey by plunging into the Tyrrhenian Sea.

The Tiber is more than just a feature of the landscape to be contemplated, it is an identifying and characterising component of specific environments and communities, of resources and traditions that deserve to be rediscovered, promoted and experienced.

Tiberland, “lands of the Tiber”, represents a circumscribed but composite geographical area, a myriad of historical sites and nature spots, of urban and rural spaces, of tangible and intangible assets, and of knowledge and traditions that have always been linked to the river. 

The area in question extends from Fiano Romano to Ostia, along a route of approximately 70 kilometres.

Get to know our river

History and legend

History and legend

Environment and countryside

Environment and countryside

Biodiversity and ecology

Biodiversity and ecology

Rome disappeared

Rome disappeared

Hollywood on the Tiber

Hollywood on the Tiber

The Tiber today

The Tiber today

Nascondi video

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